On the traces of Martin Luther


Day 1 Arrival Day in Munich
Arrival at Munich airport and transfer to Augsburg. Here in the parliament of Augsburg Martin Luther was questioned by the Roman delegate of the Catholic Inquisition from 12th to 14th October 1518. Enjoy a guided city tour in the more than 2000 year old town. It is one of the three oldest towns in Germany along with Trier and Kempten as well as the third largest town in Bavaria. The first day will be completed by a 3-course-dinner and an overnight in your hotel in Augsburg.

Day 2 Augsburg - Romantic Road - Wuerzburg
Leave Augsburg and continue on the Romantic Road to Wuerzburg. Along the way, you visit the town Rothenburg ob der Tauber, whose medieval townscape is world famous. Discover Rothenburg during a 2hours guided tour with great views above the lovely Tauber valley. After lunch you go on to Wuerzburg. This is the place where the counter-reformation had its biggest success after Luther's death. Here as well enjoy a 2hours guided tour. You spend the night in Wuerzburg incl. a dinner in the evening.

Day 3 Wuerzburg – Eisleben – Lutherstadt Wittenberg
From Wuerzburg you continue to follow Luther's traces to Eisleben where Luther's birthplace and last residence can be found. After lunch in Eisleben, the trip continues to Lutherstadt Wittenberg. It was here, where Martin Luther published his 95 theses against the abuse of the selling of indulgences in 1517 (31st October). This event marks the beginning of the reformation in Germany. Accomodation in Wittenberg incl. dinner.

Day 4 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Discover Wittenberg during an extensive 2 hours walking tour and visit the Luther museum. After lunch you are invited to explore the famous churches in Wittenberg on your own: The church St. Marien is the initial point of the Lutheran reformation and the church where Luther was preaching sermons; it was in the castle church "Allerheiligen" that, according to historical sources, Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the main portal on 31st October 1517.In the evening we recommend to visit an event (music) in one of the churches or the "Cranach courts". Accommodation in Wittenberg incl. dinner.

Day 5 Lutherstadt Wittenberg - Erfurt
You leave Wittenberg in direction of Erfurt - the town where Luther studied and where he became a friar. You take part in a 2h guided visit of the Old Town of Erfurt, including a visit of the cathedral and the Severin church. Afterwards you have time for your own disposal, where you can take your lunch and enjoy the atmosphere of the town. You spend the night in Erfurt incl. dinner.

Day 6 Erfurt – Eisenach - Marburg
From Erfurt you travel to Eisenach, where you discover Wartburg castle during a 1 hour guided tour. Wartburg castle in Eisenach is most famous for sheltering Luther in 1521 as he was outlawed by the emperor and averted by the pope. Here he translated the New Testament into German. After the visit of Wartburg castle you have time to have lunch before your journey continues to Marburg. It was here that the first protestant university was founded in 1527 and where the disputation between the reformers Luther, Zwingli and Melanchthon took place in 1529. Enjoy a 3h guided tour including a visit of the Old Town and the castle of Marburg. Accommodation in Marburg incl. dinner.

Day 7 Marburg – Frankfurt airport
All good things must end and today we say goodbye to Germany. You will be transferred to Frankfurt airport where our tour ends.

Included Services

  • Accommodation for 6 nights in 3-4* hotel incl. breakfast
  • Bus and guide for the tour
  • Local guides according to programme
  • Entrance to Luthermuseum
  • Tour of Wartburg, old castle in Marburg 
  • Arrival and departure transfer


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  • depend on your preferences like hotel category, program components, included meals etc.
  • vary throughout the year (high / low season, event dates, fair periods)
  • depend on group size


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On the traces of Martin Luther

+49 (0)30-78718755

Acanthus Tours Berlin

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